The computer is the most useful tool that has been invented, but hides a black secret... Follow the next words...
Before to arrive the computer, many tasks took a long time to finish, and the workers sacrificed a lot of time to finish their work, after to arrive the computer the same tasks are resolved in short time, also the computer is used to study, do research, communicate with other people in any place of the world. These capabilities improve the use and the dependence of the computer, this dependence is the most complex addiction to the new generations, because in this moment is very difficult living without a computer. This piece of technology has transformed in a critical body part, mainly due to multiple uses.
This extreme addiction causes the industry to continually improve and make faster processors and computer parts, to satisfy the continuous and increasing demand. On the other hand, the users need more features and process capacity, because the uses of computer are expanding constantly.
So my friends, deliver your souls to the computers hell, because the hope is the last thing that is lost!!!.
I always knew that pcs are evil! And now, who can save us from them??